Lunch time session


Location: Mueble, Business Center I, First floor
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds


ATscale is a cross-sectoral global partnership working to ensure 500 million additional people globally can access AT by 2030. It works with governments, AT users and organizations, NGOs, bilateral donors, and multilateral organizations to increase awareness and political will, and encourage innovation and investment in AT markets, systems and services.

AT2030: AT2030 tests ‘what works’ to improve access to life-changing Assistive Technology (AT) for all; investing £20m over 5 years to support solutions to scale. Led by Global Disability Innovation Hub and funded by UK aid, AT2030 will reach 9 million directly and 20 million more indirectly, driving a lifetime of potential. AT2030 is operational in 35 countries globally.


Pascal Bijleveld
CEO, ATscale, Switzerland
Catherine Holloway
Professor & Academic Director, Global Disability Innovation Hub, United Kingdom

Event Location

Mueble, Business Center I, First floor