Early career researchers and students

ISPO encourages early career researchers and students to attend or participate actively in the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress.
View information at a glance and download the flyer:
Information for early career & students (PDF, 266 kB)
Take advantage of special programme formats and participate in the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress:
3 Minute Thesis (3MT) student competition & mentoring
The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) is an academic competition that assists current students with fostering effective presentation and communication skills. Interested students registered in an undergraduate, masters or PhD programme had the chance to submit abstracts to this competition. One 75-minute time slot parallel to other symposia, instructional courses and free paper sessions is reserved for the 3MT student competition.
Applicants were able to submit their abstract to be considered for the 3MT student competition as well as the free paper and poster sessions given the latter enables a more fulsome overview of their work. Mentoring opportunities* are available.
Further information about submitting to the 3MT student competition can be found.
* Mentoring
ISPO wants to support the students to bring their best 3MT. Mentoring is offered to support students with writing their abstracts and / or preparing their presentations. Students were able to request mentorship for abstract writing until Monday, 14 October 2024 to receive feedback by the end of October. Mentorship for preparing presentations can be requested by end of April 2025. Please request support by emailing to
Abstracts for free paper and poster presentations & abstract triage
A free paper is a professional communication describing qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods research such as a technique, case study, case series, clinical trial, review, experiment delivered as an oral podium presentation during the congress. Top ranking free papers are selected for oral presentation.
A poster may describe qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods research such as a technique, case study, case series, clinical trial, systematic review, or experiment. In contrast to free papers, a poster may present preliminary results or works in progress.
Within the submission process prior feedback (abstract triage)* is available upon request.
Find further information about submitting abstracts for free paper and poster presentations .
* Feedback opportunity: Abstract triage
Responding to recommendations from the 2023 World Congress Scientific Committee, a pre-submission abstract feedback option was trialled for the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress. The intention of the offer of prior feedback relates primarily to the formatting, composition and structure of the abstract.
Authors were able to consider the reviewer feedback and revise their abstract before formally submitting it to the usual peer review process. Requests had to be sent by Monday, 14 October 2024 to receive feedback by the end of October to
Abstract triage is primarily aimed at authors: a) who are new to the field of science, b) do not have mentors available to give critical feedback, c) whose native language is not English and / or d) whose submissions have been rejected previously.
Students, early career researchers, authors who are new to the field of science are invited to take advantage of webinars on writing an abstract and giving a presentation.
Webinar title: Mastering the art of writing a scientific abstract
As the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress approaches, the deadline for abstract submissions is fast approaching. You may be wondering how to craft a compelling scientific abstract that stands the best chance of being accepted for presentation at the congress. This webinar is designed to address that very question.
Speaker: Dr. Jaap van Netten, human movement scientist and principal investigator at the department of rehabilitation, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands
Did you miss the live webinar?
The webinar has been recorded and available for you to get hints and tricks.
Do you plan to attend?
ISPO is aiming to help students and early career researchers to attend the congress. Special registration fees for students will be charged.
Information about travel and accommodation will follow.
Do you want to assist in organising one of the biggest international events in the P&O field and at the same time meet inspiring people from different countries and different areas of expertise?
ISPO encourages especially students and young people from around the globe to volunteer.
To become a volunteer, you need to be:
- older than 18 years
- able to speak English
- available during the dates of the congress and a day before (between 15 June to 19 June)
As a volunteer, you will be assisting with diverse tasks such as:
- Registration and welcoming participants, speakers and guests
- Assisting and guiding participants around at the place of the event
- Help with the set up and logistics of the congress and more
- And more …
As a volunteer, you will receive a complimentary full registration for the congress in exchange for volunteering for two full days of the event.
If you are interested join us in and apply for volunteering at the I.S.P.O. 20th World Congress in Stockholm, 2025.
For detailed question please contact the volunteer coordinator Duarte Caldeira Quaresma (devdua@ju.se).
Fika & Get-together for early career professionals
Monday, 16 June 2025, 08:30-09:15
To help early career professionals kickstart their congress experience, the ISPO invites you to a special Fika & Get-together for early career professionals.

Join us on Monday, 16 June, from 08:30 to 09:15, to meet and connect with peers from around the world. Enjoy authentic Swedish fika, a perfect mix of coffee, treats, and conversation— while expanding your global network.