
2.20 Jon Batzdorff Session: Sustainable prosthetic and orthotic assistance in Ukraine

Location: Guadalajara 2, Ground floor
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds



Ukraine has had a sudden increase in need for prosthetic and orthotic services by prosthetists, orthotists, doctors and therapists. Usual resources in Ukraine are overwhelmed by the need. There has been a large outpouring of aid and assistance to Ukraine in all areas of health care and rehabilitation. This symposium will explore the existing system for providing P and O service in Ukraine, the current needs, and some of the programs that have been deployed by both domestic and international organizations and teams to meet those needs.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

Attendees will learn about emergency response in prosthetic and orthotics in general and about specific emergency response in Ukraine. Identifying short term vs. long term goals.


Jon Batzdorff
ProsthetiKa, Santa Rosa, USA


Antonina Kumka
Protez Hub, Ukraine
Anton Johannesson
Össur, Reykjavik / Oslo, Iceland / Norway
Oksana Lytvynenko
Ortsabo, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Claude Tardif
International Society for Prothetics and Orthotics, Brussels, Belgium

Event Location

Guadalajara 2, Ground floor