Basic instructional course

3.17 “Digital Center Management System”: A digital solution supporting the physical rehabilitation to enhance the services provided to health services users

Location: Tlaquepaque, Second floor
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds



About 2.4 billion people are currently living with a health condition benefiting from rehabilitation (WHO 2019). This estimated need for rehabilitation is increasing every year especially in conflict and development countries, where only 5 to 15% (ICRC) of People with Disabilities receive support for mobility needs. There is also an important informational gap on sex, age and disability reducing the effectiveness of humanitarian response.

To address those needs, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) developed a digital tool; “the Digital Centre Management System” (DCMS), an open-source solution supporting data collection and management of the Physical Rehabilitation (PR) Center. It includes an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) on Open-MRS and an Enterprise Resource Planning platform on Odoo (ERP).

The EMR enables the collection “at point of care” of the information about Health Service Users (HSU), service delivery (physiotherapy, assistive technology…), referrals, assessment and evaluations, follow-up and repairs, according to international standards (International Classification of Function). The ERP enables the management of procurement system, manufacturing, invoicing, maintenance, HR, and dormitory. Both supports the efficiency of the PR services with disaggregated data collection.

In November 2020, the DCMS was piloted in Kampong Speu Center (Cambodia) with 35 employees, where 15’735 HSU have been registered (until 30 August 2022). During this period, the DCMS contributed to positive outcomes, monitoring the services based on “HSU centered approach" with a better transparency. Today the DCMS is deployed in seven PR Centers and is planned to be deployed at the global level for ICRC partners.

Statement of the objective / learning objectives

The DMCS facilitates an optimized (clinical) decision-making that meets the increasing needs in the rehabilitation sector and provide a support to the management of the PR Center when delivering assistive technologies and physical rehabilitation services.


François Friedel
International Committee of Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland


Josue Mbonga
General Hospital of Kinshasa, Department of Functioanl Rehabiltaition, Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Event Location

Tlaquepaque, Second floor