Free paper session

5.40 Additive manufacturing

Location: Moda, Business Center I, First floor
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
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5.40.1: 3D printed prosthetic arms for the upper limb amputee musician to play Chinese zither and cello - Zhaojian Meng

5.40.2: Using 3D Printable Density-Graded Lattice Structures to Minimize Risk of Tissue Damage from Compression-Release Stabilized Sockets - Jade Myers

5.40.3: Assembling the Pieces: Attaching 3D-printed Sockets to Lower-limb Prostheses - Clara Phillips


Chris Baschuk
Point Designs LLC, Lafayette, USA
Edward Lemaire
University of Ottawa, Canada


Zhaojian Meng
Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Hospital, Guangzhou, China
Jade Myers
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA
Clara Phillips
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada

Event Location

Moda, Business Center I, First floor