Keynote lecture

1.03 The Alternative Limb Project: The path to self-expression – 10 years on

Location: Guadalajara 3, Ground floor
  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds


In this talk, Sophie and Chris will discuss the key stages, successes and challenges of the Alternative Limb Project.

Chris will briefly discuss his prosthetic career history and why he believes in the importance of the congress theme “The Art and the Science”. He’ll go on to talk about his collaboration with Sophie and the Alternative Limb Project and how this has changed aspects of his clinical approach, explaining the crossover between a medical device and wearable prosthetic art and how he brings his clinical experience into the creative process to produce “evocative, provocative and inspirational routes for individual expression for amputees and those with limb difference”. He will then introduce Sophie to tell her story.

Sophie will describe what it was like to start out as a technician being an artist in this medical field, and how that has led to inspiring a generation of designers to help bridge the world of medicine and art. She will outline how she works closely with prosthetists such as Chris to create interesting wearable designs that not only inspire the general masses but empower the wearer through engagement and ownership, reflecting something other than fit and function. Finally, Sophie will describe the processes involved in some of the works undertaken by the Alternative Limb Project and how they have contributed to changing the general public’s perceptions of amputees and challenged insurance companies about replacing like for like.


Corry K. van der Sluis
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Netherlands


Sophie De Oliveira Barata
The Alternative Limb Project, Lewes, United Kingdom
Chris Parsons
Design Prosthetics Ltd, Lewes, United Kingdom

Event Location

Guadalajara 3, Ground floor