Frequently Asked Questions

When and where does the World Congress 2023 take place?
- The ISPO World Congress will take place from 24 to 27April 2023 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
- The exact address is Expo Guadalajara, Av. Mariano Otero #1499 CP.44550, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
What are the start and end dates and times of the event?
Registration and information desk
(Foyer, Exhibition Hall)
Sunday, 23 April 15:00 – 18:00
Monday, 24 April 08:30 – 19:00
Tuesday, 25 April 08:30 – 18:00
Wednesday, 26 April 08:30 – 18:00
Thursday, 27 April 08:30 – 17:00
You can register onsite during the above mentioned opening hours. Payment needs to be done via credit card. Cash won’t be accepted.
Exhibitors are required to pick up their badges on Sunday, 23 April between 12:00 and 15:00.
Doors will open by 09:00 on Monday, 24 April. The official Opening Ceremony will start at 10:00 and the Closing Ceremony is scheduled for 16:00 to 17:00 on Thursday, 27 April.
What keynote speakers are going to be at the event?
- We are excited to have a diverse and highly interesting range of keynote speakers. Please find a short summary of the keynotes here .
When will I receive my badge and congress materials?
- Badges and Congress materials will be provided to participants onsite. Only confirmed and paid participants shall receive the badge and congress materials.
Is there a Congress App?
- The Congress App will be available for download just prior to the Congress at . The programme and exhibitor directory will be available in the App. In the meantime, you can prepare your visit by browsing the online programme and exhibitor directory on the Congress website.
In what languages will the talks be held? Will there be translations available?
- The majority of presentations will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish in five of the eight session rooms. Spanish presentations will be translated into English.
How can I be sure this is the right event for me to attend?
- If you are a professional involved in the care of persons in need of prosthetic, orthotic, mobility, and assistive devices or just have any connection to the prosthetics and orthotics industry – this is the right event for you.
My question is not listed here, who do I contact for answers?
- You may contact the ISPO team via email at . The responses may take 24 to 48 hours after receipt of the email.
Registration & fees
Where can I register?
- You can register online here .
What are the registration fees and where can I find them?
- Registration fees are listed at .
Can I pay for my registration by credit card? What payment options are available?
- You will be able to pay by credit card (Mastercard and Visa) via PayPal during the online registration process. All payments are to be made in US dollars (USD). Rates are not applicable to Mexican consumption tax. On exception, ISPO International will accept bank transfers. If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please email to request an invoice.
Until when can I take advantage of the reduced rate?
- Early bird registration is available until 27 February.
Who is entitled to the Member rates?
- Member rates are available to those who are members of ISPO. You will be asked to enter your member ID during online registration. If you do not have your member ID available, please contact
Who is entitled to Student registration fees?
- Student rates are available to students enrolled full-time at an educational institution. Proof, consisting of a copy of your identification (ID) card or a letter from the institution's registrar confirming your student status, is required during online registration. You must be enrolled as a student at the time of registration, and the dates of your enrolment at your university or college are to be mentioned on the document to be eligible for registration as a student.
Who is entitled to the Upper Middle Income Country / Lower Middle and Low Income Country fees?
- Registration fees are based on the income groups assigned to the world's economies by the World Bank. The fees are determined by the country in which you are employed.
- To confirm which income group has been assigned to the country in which you work, please download the following list: World Bank list of economies (PDF, 163 kB)
- ISPO recognises that some participants may need financial assistance related to their attendance at the upcoming World Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico. Therefore, ISPO members from the Latin American region, who experience economic hardship, can apply for a 20% registration discount on their applicable registration rates.
Can I purchase a daily pass for the Congress?
- One day congress rates are available to members and non-members that would like to participate for one day only. Registrants have access to all sessions and the exhibition halls on the day they have registered for.
Can I purchase a ticket to attend the exhibition only?
- Exhibition day passes are available, which give you access to the exhibition halls and exhibitor workshops. You will not be admitted to the scientific sessions. Exhibition day passes are not valid during the Welcome Reception, held on Monday, 24 April in the exhibition hall.
Can I bring a spouse or accompanying person to the congress?
- Accompanying person rates are available to those who accompany a full congress registrant. Accompanying persons are not admitted to the scientific sessions.
Do I receive a confirmation and invoice?
- After the registration process has been completed, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. If you indicated that you require an invoice for payment, it will be sent to your email address as well.
I need to cancel my registration. Can I get a refund?
- Registrations can be cancelled and will be refunded minus an administrative charge of USD 50, provided the cancellation is received by Friday, 3 March 2023. For Cancellation received after this date no refunds will be made. All cancellations must be made in writing to .
- For registrations from delegates in countries that do not allow their nationals to travel abroad in April 2023, we will consider cancellation requests and apply a fair refund policy. The cancellation request should be made in writing to and must be submitted no later than 7 April; submissions must be accompanied by an official document stating this particular reason and associated timeframes.
Can I transfer my registration to someone else?
- Your registration may be transferred to another member of your organization, subject to a USD 35 processing fee.
Terms and conditions
Where do I find the general registration terms and conditions?
- Please review the terms and conditions prior to completing your registration. You can view and download the terms and conditions here (PDF, 163 kB) .
Speaker ready room
You are required to upload your presentation in the speaker ready room so that it is available to you in the session room at your presentation time. The speaker ready room will be located in Minerva I, first Floor, Business Center II.
Opening times:
Sunday, 23 April 15:00-18:00
Monday, 24 April 08:30-18:00
Tuesday, 25 April 08:30-17:00
Wednesday, 26 April 08:30-17:00
Thursday, 27 April 08:30-12:00
Please upload your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room at least 3 hours before your presentation time.
Chairs/Presenters are responsible for arriving at the meeting room on time, so they can ensure the presentation is preloaded and a timely session start can be guaranteed (15 minutes recommended).
Last minute changes and questions
If there are any last minute changes or you have any questions regarding your presentation please contact the ISPO World Congress Team:
- Email:
- Onsite: Please go to the information desk at Expo Guadalajara and ask them to get you in touch with the ISPO World Congress Projetct Team (Leipziger Messe).
Poster set up and removal
Please set up your poster during the following times:
- Sunday, 23 April, 17:00-20:30 (recommended time)
- Monday, 24 April, 08:00-09:00
Please note that you require your name badge in order to access the exhibition hall during poster set up. Registration opens at 15:00 on Sunday.
Set up your poster where you see your poster number stated on the poster board. Please refer to the Poster Information Desk if you need any assistance.
You are strongly advised to bring your own adhesives such as double-sided tape. The organisers cannot guarantee that supplies are available.
Attention: The poster boards need to stay in original condition after removing your posters. Do not use push pins or other implements that damage the poster boards. If there is any damage caused to the boards you will be charged to cover costs to repair the damage.
Please remove your poster on Thursday, 27 April, between 17:00 and 19:00. Any posters that are not removed by 19:00 will be discarded.
Travel and accommodation
Do I need a visa to enter Mexico?
- Depending on your country of origin, you may require a travel visa to enter Mexico.
Where and how do I apply for my VISA?
- Depending on your country of origin, you may require a travel visa to enter Mexico. To find out if your country has a visa exemption arrangement with Mexico, visit the following website .
- If you require a visa to travel to the congress, please contact the Mexican Embassy or Consulate in your country or region. The Embassy or Consulate will advise on specific visa requirements, such as information on travel visa application and submission procedures, required documents, application fees payable, etc. The registrant is responsible to inform himself in full and in a timely manner of the pertinent requirements for entering México (e.g. visa requirements).
Is a visa invitation letter provided?
- Once you have completed your payment, in your confirmation email, you will be able to download an invitation letter.
Do you recommend any specific hotels to stay at? Are attendees able to get a discount?
- Registration fees do not include accommodation. Hotels offer special rates for congress delegates at a number of hotels in Guadalajara if booked through our official housing agent. For more information, and to make online bookings, visit the accommodation section on the congress website (PDF, 579 kB) .
Safety, security & healthcare
Is it safe to travel to Guadalajara, Mexico? Where do I find more information?
- The City of Guadalajara has the experience and capability to safeguard its special visitors in a secure and discrete way. Please refer to our safety guidelines (PDF, 178 kB) for more information.
Are there any travel restrictions to Mexico regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic?
- Risks remain when traveling internationally, particularly for those who are not fully vaccinated.
- Entry regulations change frequently with the pandemic situation. Please obtain additional information from official offices in Mexico. Currently, there are no COVID-19-related entry restrictions.
- A sufficient distance while traveling in Mexico is recommended. There are no other restrictions. In private clinics, COVID infections are only treated against payment in advance. The costs are very high (see medical care). Credit card limits should be increased accordingly - even if you have travel health insurance. Patients usually have to step forward.
- Be sure to comply with AHA regulations and also follow local government guidance. Fines can be imposed in individual states for violations of the hygiene regulations.
- Please refrain from using public transport, including intercity buses and minibuses in large cities, due to the high risk of infection.
- In the event of COVID-19 symptoms or contact with infected persons, contact the health department in your state, e.g. via the national emergency number 911 or COVID-19 hotlines.
Venue – Arrival – Infrastructure – On-site questions
How do I get from the airport to Expo Guadalajara or the hotel?
From Miguel Hildalgo International Airport, it is recommended that you hire a driver through the UBER App or take the authorized airport taxis to get to Expo Guadalajara.
Four taxi sales points are located inside of the airport:
- Two just outside international arrivals - one next to the arrivals gate and the other a few steps away
- Two in national arrivals - one on one side of the baggage bands, and the other outside the national arrivals gate
If you wish, you can already make the reservation in advance to your arrival at .
Estimated costs (one way): approximately 370 Mexican pesos (around 18.50 USD). Please note that taxi drivers only accept cash and no credit card payment!
Travel time: If you arrive during traffic hours (8-10am, 1-3pm, 7-8pm) it will take approx. 45 minutes up to one hour to get to Expo Guadalajara. If you are arriving before or after the traffic hours, it may only take 35 minutes.
If you wish to use an UBER – please download the App through your App Store and order a driver directly. You will receive more information regarding available payment methods and estimated costs directly.
Are taxis available at the location?
- No congress bus shuttles or transportation are arranged from the hotels to the Expo Guadalajara, or included in the registration fees. For information on transportation, please visit the travel section on the congress website.
Is the venue fully accessible?
- Yes, the venue Expo Guadalajara as well as the venue where the Congress Party will be held, are fully accessible.
Will there be an abstract book or final programme?
- Abstracts will be published April 11 in an abstract book, which will be available on the website of ISPO’s journal, Prosthetics and Orthotics International (POI) . At onsite registration, full congress registrants will receive a printed Final Programme in their congress bag.
- To assist delegates referencing between the printed congress programme, online programme and abstract book, all sessions and free paper presentations have been assigned a programme code.
Is there a cloakroom?
- A cloak room / coat check is not available at the Expo Guadalajara. Please do not bring your luggage to the venue. Since there is no storage space available, we recommend that you store your luggage at your booked hotel.
Does the venue offer free Wifi?
Yes, Wifi will be available at the venue and is sponsored by ALPS .
Complimentary wifi will be available at the venue during the Congress.
- Network (SSID): ISPOcongress
- Password: mexico23
Will there be any catering (food and drink) on-site?
- Food and beverages are available for purchase in the exhibition hall during exhibition opening hours. Bottled water is sponsored by Alps South. Tea and coffee are provided complimentary in the catering area located in the exhibition hall during the following refreshment breaks:
- Monday, 24 April 16:00 – 16:30
- Tuesday, 25 April 10:30 – 11:00 / 16:00 – 16:30
- Wednesday, 26 April 10:30 – 11:00 / 15:45 – 16:15
- Thursday, 27 April 10:30 – 11:00
Will there be tours available? How can I book a tour?
Day trip to the town of Tequila
- Discover the delightful landscape of Mexico’s renowned tequila-producing region and explore one of the world’s oldest and most famous tequila distilleries during an exclusive sightseeing tour. The local tour operator Panoramex will be organising this small-group tour exclusively for attendees of the ISPO 19th World Congress.
Other sightseeing tours
- Visit the Panoramex team at the tour desk located in the registration area.